Something is happening on the Border-Mark Monuments of the Tri-Frontier Area

As it was until recently. Note Bahá’i Message on Peace Brazilian-side 1903 Border Mark As it is since Tuesday, Dec, 21. Photo by Marco Labanca As it will look by the end of 2017 as part of the Mark of the Americas Tourism Complex Known as the 'Marco das Tres Fronteiras' in Portuguese and 'Hito de las Tres Fronteras' in Spanish t his most interesting tri-nation place to see in the Argentina-Brazil- Paraguay Triple Border Area has finally got reasons to positively be in the local headlines. The 'three marks' have been targeted for investiments as the region looks for ways to 'economic reconversion' which locally means moving from an informal kind of economy to more formal or hopefully total formal business activities. Theme Park on Jesuit Missions and the Spanish adelantado Cabeza de Vaca * The Brazilian Border Stone Mark or "Marco" has been handed over to the privat...