Curitiba's Attractions (The beaten track)

The Official Tourism Line Bus
List of Curitiba’s Attractions visited by the Tourism Line Jardiniera Bus (leaving from Tiradentes Square):
Rua das Flores (Street of the Flowers), Rua 24 Horas (24-Hour Street), Convention Center, Museu Ferroviário (Railway Museum), Teatro Paiol (Gun Powder Depot turned theater), Botanical Garden, Rail-Bus Station and City Market, Teatro Guaíra (Theater) and Paraná Federal University Law School Building, Arab Memorial and the Passeio Público (Public Park), Civic Center, Oscar Niemeyer Museum ( Worth visiting inside and out, project by the architect that designed Brasilia’s buildings), Polish Memorial and Pope’s Woods, German Woods, UNILIVRE – The Environmental Free University, São Lourenço Park (former Glue Factory turned Creativity Center), Wire Opera House, Tangá and Tingüi Parks, Ukrainian Memorial, Italian Portal (Access to the Italian Santa Felicità Area), Barigüi Park and the Telecom Observatation Tower. That is it. The Tourism Bus Line is not a travel agency. It is a city concession to URBS (Curitiba Urbanization) who then passes the right to explore or a permission to an exploring company or a “Permission Holder”. That is it for now but I may describe the attractions with liks as soon as possible.