Introduction to the Foz do Iguaçu Chen Tien Buddhist Temple

Buddhism has three major world schools: Theravada, Vajrayana and Mahayana. The Chen Tien Buddhist Temple in Foz do Iguaçu belongs to the Mahayana school of Buddhism. Within Mahayana Buddhism, the Chen Tien Buddhist Temple of Foz do Iguaçu belongs to the Pure Land Buddhism.

Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy?
It is both. It is a religion with its own sacred writings, rituals and ceremonies. It is also a life philosophy based on the Four Truths and on the Noble Eightfold Path.    
The Noble Eightfold Path
Right View
Right resolve
Right Speech
Right Conduct
Right Livelihood
Right Effort
Right Mindfulness
Right Concentration   

What does Ten Chien mean?
It means Heavenly Temple  

What does one see at the Ten Chien Buddhist Temple?
In this visit you will see statues representing:
Three Buddhas
Four  Boddhisattvas
Four Heavenly Kings
Two Enlightened Children
Eighteen Arahats
Guardian Lions

What are the three Buddhas represented?

The Laughing Buddha, right after entrance. This Buddha is also known by the names of Mi Lè Pu Sa (Chinese), Maitreya (From Sanskrit), Miroku (Japanese). He is also revered as the Buddha of the Future, the Next Buddha, the one whose coming is awaited.

The Buddha Shakyamuni – represented as the Reclining Buddha. He is also known as the Historical Buddha, Sidarta Gautama, the Indian prince that abandoned his privileged royal life and departed in search of illumination. The founder of modern Buddhism over 2.500 ago.

The Amituofo Buddha, also known as  Amitaba or Amida, the Heavenly Buddha. The highest in the hierarchy of illumination as represented in the Temple.

Who are the Bodhisattvas?
The Bodhisattvas are the beings living in the last stage of theirs search for illumination. Their next step is Buddhahood. Each Bodhisattva represents a quality of a Buddha.

The bodhisattvas represented at the Temple (Names in Chinese and Sanskrit):

Kwan Yin (Avaloktesvara) Two statues: The Three-faced Kwan Yin / Kwan Yin, proper. Quality: Compassion

Puxian (Samantabhadra) Seated on an elephant. Quality: Great Love and Perfect Activity.

Wenshu (Manjushiri) Seated on a dragon. Quality: Great Wisdom.

Dizang (Ksitagharba) Standing with a staff / key  Quality: The Great Vote
The Four Heavenly Kings
The Four Heavenly Kings are seen around the Laughing Buddha, Mi Lè Pu Sà. Each king protects one direction. Each with protects the ambiance against specific energies with an instrument.

King Vaisravana, Direction: North. With an Umbrella He keeps ignorance away as it pours down on Earth.

King Virudhaka, Direction: South. He uses His sword to cut through ignorance

King Dhatarasta, Direction: East. He holds a musical in His hand. The instrument represents harmony the strings must be balanced. Not too tight or too lax.

King Virapaksa, Direction: West. In His hand this king holds a dragon-serpent. The dragon represents force and the serpent brings to mind adaptability

The Two Enlightened Children
The Enlightened Girl Long Nü, daughter of the King of the Nagas, was a disciple of Boddhissatva Manjushiri.

The Enlightened Boy Shan Cai Tong Zi studied with 53 masters in his childhood.

What are the Guardian Lions?
The Lions seen in the Temple are both a symbol of protection against negative energies and of good luck and harmony.

What is the meaning the Statues of Buddhas in the Temple’s Buddha’s Square? 
They are 108 statues of Buddha Amitaba.

Why 108?
This is a very symbolic number. It represents perfection. It is the number of beads in a japamala (rosary) and it is also the number of times a mantra has to be repeated. 
What is the official mantra of this Temple?
The Chen Tien Temple’s official mantra is: Namo Amituofo (Chinese) Namo Amidabutsu (Japanese) Om Amithaba Hri (Sanskrit). 

What is a mantra?
A mantra is a word, a sound or phrase considered to be sacred and infused of spiritual powers. A sign close to the Temple’s largest statue of the Amitaba Buddah says about the mantra:

As you recite this mantra you will 
eliminate afflictions and suffering 
and it will bring you health”.


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